
The use of direct and noticeable action to achieve a result, usually a political or social one

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Sexual Exploitation in Canada

The average age of entry into human sex trafficking is 12-14 years of age with Indigenous girls between 7-11 yrs.  Girls are targeted and primed through men who become their boyfriend and over time lavish and spoil them, making them feel wanted and buying them gifts.  After about 2 years of manipulation, they turn on them and force them to sell their body for sex.  These "boyfriends" become their pimps and threaten the girls through rape, assault and threats towards their families.  Girls are forced to become prostitutes and  property.  

Bill C-36 was passed in Canada in 2014, based on the 'Nordic model' and exists to protect sex workers, recognizing them as exploited women, while targeting the buyers.  It was intended to reduce the demand for sex. But it hasn't been enough and we are finding that these laws are not being upheld with the demand for girls in the sex industry still remaining high.

Kat has spoken at events for youth and local communities with regards to the priming of young girls,  informing parents and educators on how to look for these signs.  Her short film Coerced which she wrote and directed was used as a visual aid.

There is much more to be done and more to learn.  Kat's latest short screenplay Empty is a a different story from the perspective of a mother whose daughter was taken.  Kat's goal is to shed a strong and realistic light on the issue and find ways to help but also to simply encourage others to take notice.  She is committed to continue this work and support local organizations in aiding and rehabilitating  women forced to work in the sex trade, as well as continue the work of sharing this information through film and creating compassion for those caught up in it.

Domestic Abuse

Short film Delusion, written and directed by Kat is an artistic film that explores the emotions one woman goes through while trapped in an abusive relationship.  Domestic abuse is still a big issue in Canada and around the world.  Women and children are still being oppressed and laws in Canada are not advanced enough to help them.  Kat has spoken with many families who have experienced abuse and she is very passionate about bringing the complexities of what it's like living with abuse, to audiences.  Kat has been following the recent changes in British law to recognizing coercive and controlling behaviour as abuse and hopes that Canadian law will follow suit.  While changing laws is in part, instrumental, changing perceptions and training social workers, the police and medical professionals, she believes, is the key to really creating significant change.

There is not yet enough information on the impact and trauma of abuse, which Kat hopes to shine a strong light on, through film.  Telling stories about real people and following their journey to self discovery, facing their obstacles and rising up above oppression is what Kat is most passionate about.

